• How do I order?

    Fill out the ORDER HERE form. We require all of the data for speed and efficiency, to ensure EID and partnering technology is integrated seamlessly. Once you push send, an invoice to be returned. 10% is required to be paid upfront and the remainder just prior to delivery.

  • How will the semen I order get to my technician?

    Within the order form, we ask you the required questions; who is your current technician. As long as your information is correct. We do all the work from there.

  • Why are these beef bulls better than others in the market?

    Our beef bulls not only contain genetics that are expertly selected for calving ease, short gestation; traits to suit the diary farmer. They also contain impressive growth BV’s to provide added value to beef farmers and finishers. Our bull sires have exceptional IMF and marbling traits tailored for premium markets. The catalogue will detail these more clearly.

  • What ensures these bulls won't cause calving trouble for my cows?

    We have specifically selected our beef sires with calving ease and low birth weight in mind. We will deliver these traits as has come to be expected throughout the dairy industry. Our beef sires are market leading on the areas of calving ease, gestation and low birth weight.

  • Why is the 'Dairy Beef Traceability' [DBT] Programme unique?

    DBT offers the opportunity to identify premium beef genetics. Calves born from semen purchased will receive branded GENEZ tags, this will identify them from ‘Conception to Plate’ with EID tags recording data connected to premium pathways. An exclusive genomic test is offered which will identify the relevant pathway for efficiency for both the farmer and finisher. GENEZ has created unique partnerships with both Stock Agents and Processors which will acknowledge the brand and therefore pay a premium.

  • What apps will the EID recording be compatible with?

    Your current dairy apps will all be compatible and we are working with other partners for further integration

  • How do I get my calf tags and use them?

    GENEZ traceability tags can be purchased to link the elite GENEZ beef genetics you have invested in, to your calve. This will provide an identifiable brand for traceability and sale. They will arrive by courier prior to calving season

  • Why does this help beef farmers and NZ to become sustainable?

    The efficiency of these animals will deliver a lesser environmental impact. By developing a product that meets the premium market for the beef industry, we create stronger demand.

  • What premiums can I expect for having my stock take part in the DBT Programme?

    We believe better returns for calves sold at the farm gate are achievable, approximately $30 per head, extra beef performance for the farmer finisher at approximately $85-$125 per head [sexed dependent] and a processing premium of upwards of approximately $52 - $300 per head.

  • Who will input the sire data?

    This will happen automatically when you record a calf from our beef sires at birth.